Rick and Joans Birthday & Easter Weekend

Rick and Joan celebrated both of their birthdays Sunday, April 24th, on Easter Sunday.  About 25 people came over for Sunday dinner.  Good time was had by all.  Easter pictures coming, once I get them emailed to me...

Rick and Joan, (the Taurus Twins) both born on April 24th, same year!  One in Newfoundland and one in Alberta.  Joan admits she's several hours older...
Smile pretty for the camera!  Hey Joan, you've got water in your hand, what happened to your Pheonix!!

Joans birthday lunch with the ladies at Darafify.

Nice view in the background of the ocean, and oh nice picture of the birthday girl with her cake!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sheery,

    Thank you very much for share with us all.

    My dad is getting better.


